The Addison Centre is governed by the Trustees of the Kempston Community Association

The Kempston Community Association employs staff to run the Centre on their behalf.   This includes a Centre Manager, caretakers and bar staff.

Trustees and employees have a duty to safeguard vulnerable users of the Hall.  They should respond to any concerns they may have regarding the physical, sexual, emotional or psychological safety of a vulnerable person or concerns relating to discriminatory or financial violation or exploitation of a vulnerable person.

This policy is in place to protect all vulnerable persons regardless of gender, ethnicity, disability, sexuality, religion or faith.

Vulnerable users could include:

  • children
  • young people
  • adults with learning difficulties or physical disability
  • have an illness affecting their mental or physical health
  • suffer from drug or alcohol problems
  • frail, elderly people
  • carers


  • The welfare of the child or vulnerable adult is paramount and is the responsibility of everyone.  
  • All children and vulnerable adults, without exception, have the right to protection from abuse, whether physical, verbal, sexual, bullying, exclusion or neglect.  
  • Bullying, shouting, physical violence, sexism and racism towards children or vulnerable adults will not be permitted or tolerated.


  • No member of the Trustees or any employee will have unsupervised access to children or vulnerable adults unless they have been appropriately vetted and trained.
  • All suspicions or allegations of abuse against a child will be taken seriously and dealt with speedily and appropriately.
  • All Trustees and all employees will be made aware of this policy 
  • Kempston Community Association has nominated David Longman as the Safeguarding Officer to whom suspicions or concerns must be reported within 24 hours.   This will normally be done through the Centre Manager.   Details can be found on the website  The named officer has the responsibility for immediately reporting concerns to the relevant Authority.
  • The Trustees will endeavour to keep the premises safe for use by children and vulnerable adults.  The Trustees recognise that a higher standard of safety is required where use is made by small children, those who cannot read safety notices and physically disabled children and adults.
  • Any organisations or group hiring the Hall or meeting rooms for the purposes of holding

activities involving children or vulnerable adults is required to have its own up to date and adequate Safeguarding Policy, and make this available at any time to KCA if requested.

This requirement does not include individuals hiring the premises for private parties arranged for invited friends and family 

  • The Trustees will ensure that hirers are made aware of their obligations under the Licensing Act 2003 to ensure that alcohol is not sold to those under the age of 18.   
  • Hirers will be required to ensure that if any entertainment is of an adult nature they will ensure that age appropriate restrictions apply to those attending


All Trustees and employees will be required to sign a written declaration that they have no conviction in relation to abuse before taking up their post and consent to a Disclosure And Baring Service check (DBS).  Anyone unable to sign such a declaration must discuss their reasons with the responsible officer.

  • All Trustees and employees will be given information about safeguarding and child protection and will be encouraged to attend training where appropriate.
  • New Trustees and employees must be given a copy of this policy and must understand their responsibilities.
  • A copy of the policy will be displayed for the attention of all at the Addison Centre, on the Centre website and be made available on request to hirers.
  • Organisations hiring the Hall for activities for children will be asked to show their Child Protection Policy before the first booking commences.  
  • Organisations hiring the hall for activities specifically involving vulnerable adults will be asked to show  their Vulnerable Adults Protection Policy before the first booking commences.  
  • Other organisations or individuals hiring the Hall whose activities may involve vulnerable adults will be made aware of this policy.
  • The Trustees will require hirers to report any damage, breakages or safety issues needing attention which may cause harm to a vulnerable person.  These will be dealt with as soon as practicable, in the light of the circumstances, with provision to prevent access by children and vulnerable adults pending repair where appropriate.
  • A hiring agreement which includes appropriate clauses will be entered into for all hirings for licensable activities.  
  • The Trustees and/or employees will ensure these provisions are observed when licensable activities are being held including ID checks to determine an individuals age if purchasing and/or consuming alcohol
  • Contractors engaged to carry out work at the premises must not be allowed unsupervised access to children or vulnerable adults.  Appropriate supervision will be arranged if necessary.
  • If the premises might be used by more than one hirer, the attention of hirers will be drawn to the need to ensure that children and vulnerable adults are supervised when using toilets.

This policy was adopted by the Trustees of Kempston Community Association on 22 February 2024

The Trustees will review this policy annually or when changes occur in national or local procedures.