The Addison Centre is on part of the land given to the people of Kempston by Mrs Harold Howard who owned the Kempston Grange estate. The initial gift of five acres of land was in memory of her son Addison, who was killed in France during the First World War. Following her death in 1949 a further twenty eight acres were added to the existing park in accordance with her will.

Second Lieutenant Addison Howard (Bedfordshire Regiment) 1893 - 1916
Following the Second World War a group of local businessmen proposed the building of a new and larger hall to replace the Parochial Church Hall in Bunyan Road. Following many years of fund raising and grant applications the Addison Centre was opened in its present location in 1969 at a total cost of £35,650 including fixtures and fittings!

In the late 1960’s and early 1970’s the Addison Centre was the venue for concerts by up and coming British rock bands including Free, Mott The Hoople and Genesis.Since that time the Centre has been used by both local groups and individuals to hold events such as flower shows, boxing matches, computer fairs, antique exhibitions, dances, concerts, theatre productions. The Centre has also been used for private parties and weddings.
In most recent times the Centre has also been used on Sundays by The Grace Church who hire the premises for their popular services and other related activities.
In most recent times the Centre has also been used on Sundays by The Grace Church who hire the premises for their popular services and other related activities.